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Bohdan Antonenko and his path to an engineering career

Bohdan Antonenko and his path to an engineering career

When did you join Transcenda and for which role? Tell us what were you doing before?

I joined Transcenda a year ago. Before that, I had several years of experience in lead generation and sales analytics, but my real goal was to become a front-end engineer. During my initial interview with Alexey Koval, Transcenda’s CTO, I mentioned that in the future I see myself in more of an engineering role than in a sales role. So, while doing leadgen for Transcenda, I studied front-end development, since I wanted to achieve my goal and grow professionally.

How did the job opportunity of a junior front-end engineer come to your attention?

During quarantine, we created a new tradition at Transcenda, which was online coffee breaks where you randomly match with a teammate for one on one small talk. There’s a pretty cool slack app called RandomCoffees that we used to organize this. My first coffee break was with Joe Chereshnovsky, Transcenda’s VP of Engineering. During this small talk I mentioned to Joe that I wanted to pursue my career in the engineering field. From there, we agreed that he would give me different tasks and share some books to facilitate my goal. This is how my practical education actually started. I used quarantine time as much as possible – watched courses on Udemy and Coursera about front-end development, read books and articles recommended by Joe, and did test apps under his guidance.

In my opinion, during this time Joe formed an impression of my qualities and capabilities. So, when we had an opening for a junior frontend developer, he reached out to me, and offered me the opportunity to realize my goal. Of course, this was what I wanted!

What is something interesting you are working on at the moment?

Currently, we’re working on an app for iPad. This app enhances additional functionality of the current app for one of our main clients. This week, for example, I was focusing more on the user interface of the test version of the app, which we will be shown to the client shortly.

What’s your favorite aspect about Transcenda?

I would have to say, the great thing about Transcenda is that people can grow and evolve professionally here. I am a prime example of that. There are also plenty of opportunities within Transcenda to enhance and polish your skills. My own personal experience with Transcenda has been great. I look forward to 2021 and new professional challenges that lay ahead for me.

When you are not pursuing your career at Transcenda, how do you enjoy your personal time?

I enjoy a good game of soccer, or football as I call it, whenever I have the time. I have played soccer my entire life, and it’s also my favorite spectator sport. Before lockdown, I attended many concerts and events in the city. Of course, I also like to travel and really look forward to travelling again once the pandemic is over.

Do you have any dream engineering projects, and if so, please elaborate?

I love the fact that I’m working on meaningful projects for big established companies, which is a dream come true. Although we are a small company, we work with some pretty big names. Right now, I’m excited to be building some solutions which are in the hands of real customers. As for the future, I’d love to continue being challenged and building products which make a positive impact for the end user.

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